Mobility of Staff in higher education – International staff mobility for teaching and training activities. Erasmus + programme

03 April 2017

Mobility of Staff in higher education – International staff mobility for teaching and training activities. Erasmus + programme.


Date: From 26 March to 01 April 2017

Venue: Anadoly University –Eskisehir-Turkey

This official visit for our team was the first one in the frame of Erasmus + programme.

After we arrived there, we experienced the best hospitality as ever happened with our University in the past 6 years. The very first welcome was done by the incoming officer in charge for the International Relations Office Mrs. Lili Feng Bahtiyar and Dr. Bilge Kagan Ozdemir, Erasmus +Institutional Coordinator, who supported all of us during entire week as arranged within daily agenda.  In our first training working day, we were welcomed by the Vice Rector of the University of Anadoly Prof. Dr. Adnan Ozcan, who wished us warmly welcome and safety stay in the Campus of the Anadolu University. After that, we were welcomed also by the Rector of the Anadolu University Prof.dr. Naci Gundogan, who despite was very happy by meeting our team, he accompanied our Rector and his accompaniers also on 30 March 2017 in a special occasion, by taking a round trip to all attractive facilities of Anadolu Campus and the beauties of the City of Eskisehir.

So after all of these as the summary we may conclude that: Our motivations of taking part in this Erasmus + mobility were as follows:

We acquired knowledge and specific know-how from good practice abroad. We developed our own competences in our fields and increased the relevance of our teaching. We increased knowledge of social, linguistic and/or cultural matters. We gained practical skills relevant for our current jobs and professional development. We built up new contacts/expand our professional network to reinforcing the cooperation with a partner institution. In a special meeting room we built up cooperation with the respective faculties especially with the Faculty of Education by creating spin-off effects like curriculum development, development of joint courses or modules, academic networks, research collaboration, as well as working as the joint group on preparing the enforcement of the issuing dual diplomas, within Faculty of Education.  In this meeting there were present mostly all the professors involved with the Faculty of Education of the Preschool Programme and Primary school Programme. During this training we shared our own knowledge’s and skills with management, academic and the administration staff towards further cooperation in different fields of our joint activities through Erasmus + programme. We increased the quality and quantity of students and staff mobility to and from our sending institution by meeting new people in charge there. We increased our future employment and career opportunities by receiving an Erasmus+ grant. We improved a little bit our foreign language skills in Turkish.

On behalf of the Erasmus + Office

Acting Coordinator

Mr. Përparim Avdullahu



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