
University "UKSHIN HOTI" Prizren

Address: Rruga e Shkronjave, nr. 1 20000 Prizren, Repubic of Kosova

Tel: 029 232-140
Email: [email protected]


Instructions for the strategy of realization of the remaining teaching activities of the academic year 2019-20 as a consequence of pandemic Covid19

23 April 2020


After the situation created as a result of Covid-19 pandemic, the "Ukshin Hoti" University since 23.03.2020 is conducting online learning.

While it is not yet known when the situation will normalize and the restrictions imposed by central institutions will be lifted, the university must successfully complete the teaching process and exams in the academic year 2019/2020, in these circumstances of the emergency for public health.

For this purpose it is proposed, as follows:

- Academic units to analyze and develop their “Output Strategies” for the implementation of the remaining teaching activities based on the specifics of the faculties from the curriculum according to these scenarios:

Scenario I: Return to facilities until May 15, 2020. Part of the remaining learning activities shall be carried out remotely through the virtual platform, while the rest of the activities shall take place in the learning facilities.

Scenario II: Return to facilities by June 1, 2020. Part of the remaining learning activities shall be carried out remotely through the virtual platform during May (where possible), while the rest of the activities shall take place in the classrooms during the first two weeks of June 2020.

Scenario III: Return to facilities after June 15, 2020. All remaining teaching activities should be carried out remotely through the virtual platform using the best practices for the respective subject in order for students to be informed virtually with the content of this part of the course.

- The implementation of the above-mentioned scenarios requires that the June exam deadline be flexible and can move as needed for each academic unit, but should end no later than July 20, 2020.

- The proposed strategies should take into account the possibility for students to take the exam in a certain subject based on the program modifications which enable students to benefit from the necessary competencies after completing a certain level of study.


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