
University "UKSHIN HOTI" Prizren

Address: Rruga e Shkronjave, nr. 1 20000 Prizren, Repubic of Kosova

Tel: 029 232-140
Email: [email protected]


5th International East-West Congress

13 May 2020


Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, our congress was postponed to September. The exact dates will be announced in the future. #Stayathome

Invitation Letter


Dear colleagues,

5th International East-West Congress will be held between the dates of 10-12 June 2020 hosted by Gaziantep Islam, Science and Technology University in Gaziantep-Turkey.

The main theme of the congress wasspecified "The Gate of Science". The knowledge used for the service of humanity is a common product of societies with various religions, languages, history and culture.The main purpose of this congress is to bring together scientists who are making scientific productions on a common ground for humanity from different cultures and to discuss scientific issues related to the past, present and future.

It is expected that this congress will serve as a bridge between East and West through scientific studies.Oral and virtual scientific presentations, certified workshops, conferences and panels will be held at the congress. Within the scope of the congress, scientific activities will be held to bring together the popular scientists in the field with young people. The Gate of Science Award will be given in the scope of the congress.

We believe that you will make very valuable contributions to this congress with your support, suggestions and works.

With our warm regards

Organization Committee



Organizing Universities

Gaziantep Islam Science and Technology University/Turkey

Prizren Ukshin Hoti University/Kosovo

İnönü University/Turkey

GBSG GLOBAL Business School/Spain

Middle Tennessee State University/USA

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University/Kazakhstan

Azerbaijan University /Azerbaijan

International University of Sarajevo /Bosnia-Herzegovina

Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University/Turkey

İskenderun Technical University/Turkey

The Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture  /Uzbekistan

Berdyansk University of Management and Business/Ukraine

Mardin Artuklu University/Turkey

İstanbul Aydın University/Turkey



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